Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Road Trip!

Wesley and I hitched a ride in the back of Bob and Jeannie's car to Vegas. We stopped about a million times and saw some interesting things...
Meat and Crackers for the car ride

Exciting Frog

I am always interesting

Bobby and Jeannie

We stopped at IHOP which, as we all know, is fun as fun can be

Wesley's 1st Hotel Room

Uncle Jimmy's Gaming Head Phones

Auntie Boo

Yummy Elephant

Somehow Wes turned into Sasha, whom of which is fierce.

We were outside a Denny's but didn't go in. We did see the best Alien Jerky in the Galaxy.We bought none.

Wes doesn't like Marilyn

He did like The King

and The Blues Brothers

I braved the dinosaur park on my own

Giant Gorillas co-existed with T-Rex nicely

The Brontosaurus is my favorite because he's a vegetarian like me and resembles a giraffe.

I went to investigate this man hanging in a tree and noticed a zombie crawling out of the ground. Then I was attacked by a duck so I ran quickly away.

Wes was happy to get home

He was all tuckered out.
 Oh yes. Bob and Jeannie got married while we were in Vegas. Congrats!

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