Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Story Time

I finally started reading to Wesley. For his first story time I chose "All My Friends Are Dead" because his Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Kristen gave it to Manny for Father's Day. Wesley is going through this phase which includes a lot of crying. A. Lot. Much to my surprise and pleasure, as soon as I sat him on my lap and started reading to him he quieted down and started looking at the book. He loved the pictures and my reading voices so much he started laughing! Yay! He is a reader just like the rest of us! Oddly, he laughed the most when he saw a picture of a clown. The text that went with it was "All my friends are terrifying"...p.s. this book's claim to fame is the funniest sad book you ever read. I know I enjoyed it. Later I read to him "Everybody Goes Potty"- not that he needs further encouragement (also a gift from Auntie and Uncle). Last night I read to him "The Foot Book" by one Mister Dr. Seuss as given to Wesley by Auntie Nanny's mommy. Thanks Henri! It was hard to read and take pictures at the same time, but I made it happen! Now that I'm looking at all these, perhaps I went a little overboard. 

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