Saturday, July 30, 2011

We miss Uncle Jimmy!

Uncle Jimmy come home soon! Wesley misses his ONLY uncle sooooo much! He wants to make sure he knows how much he loves him. Wesley can't wait to see him in September when he gets home from Afghanistan. Be safe!

Glen, A.K.A. Bosco misses snuggling with Uncle too.

Apollo misses hiding from Uncle.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Random fun!

Manny's family likes to drop by for fun visits with Mr. Wesley.Can you tell these 3 ladies are sisters? This is Great Aunt Natalia, Great Aunt Filomina and Grandma - Avo.
 This is  Great Tio Joao! My Portuguese leaves something to be desired but this is Great Uncle Jon.Fun fact: He is Manny's dad's brother and also married to Manny's mom's sister Natalia. Good times! I really like him because he always has this look on his face. Probably because he always has his special wine with him. I call it "The Fruity Moonshine"

Bob is showing of Wesley's prison look, featuring striped gray pants. Bosco looks on, unimpressed.
 Apollo is more enthusiastic about this look.

 Here we have Wesley trying to crawl in his crib. Unsuccessful. He did turn partially over but was thwarted in a full roll by the railing.

 I know its small, but if you look closely, you can see baby ducks zipping through the water! We went and a cute little walk that connects Almaden Lake to Phiffer Park. Since Wes loves looking at trees and leaves, I thought this would be right up his alley. Turns out he prefers to sleep than to take in the sights. I went on this trail at a later date and he fell asleep again. Rude.

You've got mail!

Really only Wesley gets mail. I suspect Auntie Kristen and Cousin Emma send Wesley things to force me to update this blog.Alas, Emma wanted to make Wesley's day so she sent him something exciting from her recent trip to Downtown Disney. Thanks ladies!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Story Time

I finally started reading to Wesley. For his first story time I chose "All My Friends Are Dead" because his Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Kristen gave it to Manny for Father's Day. Wesley is going through this phase which includes a lot of crying. A. Lot. Much to my surprise and pleasure, as soon as I sat him on my lap and started reading to him he quieted down and started looking at the book. He loved the pictures and my reading voices so much he started laughing! Yay! He is a reader just like the rest of us! Oddly, he laughed the most when he saw a picture of a clown. The text that went with it was "All my friends are terrifying"...p.s. this book's claim to fame is the funniest sad book you ever read. I know I enjoyed it. Later I read to him "Everybody Goes Potty"- not that he needs further encouragement (also a gift from Auntie and Uncle). Last night I read to him "The Foot Book" by one Mister Dr. Seuss as given to Wesley by Auntie Nanny's mommy. Thanks Henri! It was hard to read and take pictures at the same time, but I made it happen! Now that I'm looking at all these, perhaps I went a little overboard. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Movie Night at the Beach

Last night Manny, Wesley and I went to Santa Cruz to see The Lost Boys movie that was actually filmed at the Boardwalk and is set in Santa Carla, cleverly renamed from our Santa Clara.Genius. While it was a hot hot hot 90 something degrees in San Jose, it was a cool 65 and dropping quick in Santa Cruz. Manny tried to get Wesley to try some of his clam chowder while we waited for the movie to start. Wes declined.We got there early to claim a good spot. They had a giant inflatable screen and turned off the music at the boardwalk and started the movie. Hundreds of people showed up! It was so much fun! There were fireworks, which Wesley slept through, and a very exciting floating lantern. People cheered for the movie and snuggled up in their blankets to enjoy this 80's classic. It was a lot of fun but really cold! Blankets! On our way back to the car, we stopped by some wedding picture hot spots!