Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Thanksgiving was so much fun this year. We had to travel down to San Jose, everyone refused to come to us. Our first stop was Bob and Jeannie's house. Jeannie's daughters Breanna and Nicolette and Breanna's friend joined us. They had a smorgus board of appetizers waiting for us. Breanna is hearing impaired so she spent a lot of time signing with her friend. Wesley LOVED to watch them talk with their hands. Breanna has also been teaching Wesley sign language. I see him making the hand gestures every once in a while. Time will tell if he actually is getting it. Dinner was fantastic. For real, probably the best Thanksgiving Dinner I have ever had. Truth. After dinner,Manny and I visited Justin and Nichole and their new addition, one Mr. Colt Fredrick Celano. Nichole had Colt the night before and I was dying to meet Colt. He is a cutie. I can't wait for him and Wes to start playing together.After a quick visit with the happy Celanos, we headed over to Idalina's house for dinner #2. Also super delish!

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