Thursday, September 1, 2011

House Hunting

Manny, Wesley and I have been house hunting for a few weeks now. I am reluctant to leave all my friends and family behind in San Jose but we are looking for a safer and more affordable area which means moving about an hour away...which also means I better have plenty of visitors! This means YOU! Here are some houses we have taken a gander at...

By Tracy standards, this backyard was HUGE. and came with a hot tub!

This is Manuel, our realtor, friend and almost family member. Manuel and Manny's Mom, Idalina, are about to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. Best of all, he is a Wesley Fan.

This house had 3 front doors. Right next to each other.

Pool time fun!

Thinking about swim lessons...

Wesley seemed to like this house!

Manny is a fan of house hunting

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