Happy Anniversary to Manny and Me! A year ago today we were practicing walking down the aisle. After the rehearsal dinner, Manny and his friends went home to celebrate while Nichole and I went to my fancy hotel. Manny surprised us by arranging a romantic setting with my lady friend - O la la! Champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and scattered rose petals! Ok, the hotel mixed up the date that was supposed to happen BUT it was fun to have it. To celebrate our fantastic day, I thought I would share some of our fun pictures!
Robin getting into the mood
ahhh romance!

The Beautiful Bride.Ha!
Amanda Panda!
Hello adorable flower girl!
Henirick wasn't sure he could make it but was able to surprise us from Utah at the last minute!
Thats right. We rode the carousel
Bob giving Manny his seal of approval
Awww our first dance
Me and papa
MY favorite Mother in Law, Idalina
mmmmm that cake was soooo good! Hopefully the frozen section is just as good as it was a year ago. Right.
This lovely couple is currently baking Wesley's best friend Colt. He will be joining us in November!
Our first fast dance song was Mr.Roboto. Everyone did The Robot.
Jimmy getting it done on the dance floor.
Erin rocking the robot with Uncle Ted
This is my boss's husband. He is a dancing machine. He beat the best man at a dance off.
Adam really wanted that garter! He is about to get married to Bridesmaid Chenal in November!
Auntie Barbie!
Seester-in law Boo and sleepy Emma
Jonny is the man!
My big bro Jimbo showing me how to dance.
Seester- In law Leila!