Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Wesley is born!

Friday, April 15th was my birthday. At work, they threw a baby shower for me where we played lots of fun games and I was given lots of great gifts. Some of the ladies made me beautiful handmade blankets that I know Wesley will love for years to come. I came home form work and took a nap before I went out with some of my lady friends to celebrate my Birthday. We were going to La Pinata which I was CRAVING! Anyhoo, Ashley showed up around 6:30 and while waiting for Nichole to show up, my water broke. It was CRAZY. Ashley helped call my dad and pack my bag while Nichole found the camera. We all went to the hospital where Manny showed up within 15 minutes of me calling. He was in Palo Alto at work and had to drive through rush hour traffic... clearly someone was in a hurry. I ended up getting an epidural around 10 pm and even though it was painful and uncomfortable, I was glad I did. But, it only took on the right side so I could feel everything on the left side. WOWEE, holy painful! After a while they finally got me a new fancy epidural so I could try and get some rest. I spent the rest of the night throwing up into a plastic bag ( gross). Around 6 am we started pushing. Around 9 or 10, we turned down the epidural so I " could better feel the contractions". Terrible idea. Around 11:30 we decided he wasn't coming out. We could feel his head, but it seems he tried to twirl his way out and got stuck mid twirl. So they turned off the epidural and wheeled me into surgery. I got a c-section, I recommend you don't, and a few hours later I got to see my little guy. Manny was great and stayed with me the whole time. He didn't get to cut the cord but he did get to hold him first and give him kisses first. It turns out we make a very kissable baby. Wesley James Mederios was born Saturday, April 16th at 12:39 pm, weighing in at 7.5 pounds and measuring 20 3/4 inches.

Using my bday present from Mr.Manny. That tablet was a FANTASTIC idea!


Auntie Leila and Cousin Amanda waiting for Wesley

Here he is!

Check out that face!

Totally aware of whats going on.

Daddy's finger

My 1st time holding him

The nicest nurse ever!

1st family pic!

Manny singing to Wes

Proud Grandpa

Grandma already in love

Auntie Erin

Auntie Barb and Cousins Katlyn and Victoria

Auntie Chenal

The bruise from where he got stuck

Auntie Kirsten

Our yellow Simpsons baby.

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